Browse Exhibits (18 total)
PHIL 179D Empirical/Experimental Philosophy

In this virtual display, curated for the Harvey Mudd College PHIL 179D Empirical/Experimental Philosophy class, you will find samples of works from philosophers across time and space from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library. Many of the works have links to digital "surrogates" or copies of the work. All of the works can also be accessed in-person in the Special Collections reading room.
Please click on the options to your right to explore the collections.
ARHI 131 Border Art

In this virtual display, curated for the Pomona College ARHI 131 Border Art class, you will find samples from two works by performance artist, writer, and activist Guillermo Gómez-Peña and fellow artist collaborators: Codex espangliensis and DOC/UNDOC, from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library and Ella Strong Denison Library.
You will also find images of Pre-Columbian codices/Mesoamerican painted manuscripts and colonial engravings, which were used/re-adapted in Peña's two pieces.
Please click on the options to your right to explore the collections.
MUS 120 Music in Christian Practice

Curated for the MUS 120 Music in Christian Practice course, this virtual exhibit contains digitized versions of materials found in the Robert Guy McCutchan Collection of Hymnology in Special Collections, The Claremont Colleges Library.
EA 170 US Environmental History

Curated for EA 170, this virtual exhibit contains digitized versions of materials found in Special Collections and the Western Water Archives. These items are to help course students complete one of their Reflective Essay assignments.
Materials in this virtual exhibit include primary sources spanning 1893 to 2011 and cover a variety of topics including:
- Dams and Floods
- Colorado Aqueduct
- Los Angeles Aqueduct
- Los Angeles River
- Mojave Desert/River
- Salton Sea
- Santa Ana River
Be sure to refer to the EA 170 course guide created for this class. It contains a wealth of links to digitized content and descriptions of relevant archival collections not yet digitized.
HIST 155 Women, Gender, and U.S. Colonialism - Spring 2021

In this virtual display, curated for the Scripps HIST 155 course, you will find a selection of digitized versions of materials from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library. The materials presented are meant to engage students in analysis of primary sources.
Materials include primary sources that span American history, touching on several topics involving women, gender, and U.S. colonialism.
Click the menu options at right to explore the materials.
EA 20 Nature, Culture, and Society

Curated for EA 20, this virtual exhibit contains digitized versions of materials found in Special Collections. These items are to help course students complete their final project, Deconstructing Claremont.
Materials in this virtual exhibit include primary sources spanning 1872 to 2017 and cover a variety of topics including:
- Tongva indigenous people
- Rancho San José, the precursor to the City of Claremont
- 1880s boosterism materials
- citrus industry
- early water and power efforts in the area
- 1916 and 1938 flood photographs
- ground water information
- local water issues
Be sure to refer to the EA 20 course guide created for this class. It contains a wealth of links to digitized content and descriptions of relevant archival collections not yet digitized.
Photography & the Archive

In this virtual display, curated for the Scripps Photography and the Archive class, you will find select collections featuring photographic materials from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library. These digital surrogates and the associated activities are meant to encourage discovery of photographic items in these collections and in other collections found in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library and the Online Archive of California.
Please click the options to your right to explore the class site.
Please visit our Ask Special Collections page to contact us with questions or to schedule a research consultation.
ART 135 Experimental Relief Printing

In this virtual display, curated for the Scripps ART 135 class, you will find selected materials from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library. These virtual surrogates are meant to help encourage student discovery and examination of samples of relief printmaking from the collections.
The formats featured here include prints and books and a mural.
Please click the options to your right to explore the materials.
ID 1 Pomona and the World - Fall 2020

In this virtual display, curated for the ID1 Pomona and the world class, you will find select materials from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library. The modules address different historical periods, themes, and people associated with Pomona College in Claremont, CA. Within each module, you will find digital surrogates (or copies) representing physical documents, photographs, diaries, and maps from archival collections.
Please click the options to your right to explore the modules.
Art 138 The Artist’s Book: Representing Blackness

In this virtual display, curated for the Scripps ART 138 class, you will find selected materials from Special Collections at The Claremont Colleges Library. Materials from Special Collections feature fine press editions, prints, broadsides, artists' books, and historical sources that address representations of Blackness. You will also find the slide deck and in-class activity for the class session. Please click the options to your right to explore the two collections.